A Few Things To Include In Your 'success' Plans

Failure could easily be the initial remedy for a hard reaching goal.  One could be in the wrong place at the wrong time and still meet the RIGHT people, or fall off the bike and able to pick it and yourself up and do it again.  It is no way around it!  It is not going to be easy to be….

When it's time to sit down and draw out a possible five or ten year life plan, think about the opposing spirits that will haunt you.  Leave notes on the side of  the plan  of conflicting coincidences and consequences that will lead u to failure.  Mix it up a little with some unexpected sick days and moody ways.  Don’t forget diversity: education, values, and age are barriers that can influence what others perceive.

Like-minded people will make life a little bit less complicated. But those devil-advocates will make or break the confidence within self or in spirit.  Prepare goals with faith in mind to motivate self-determination; and conquer the unforeseen dangers with an open-mind.  Do not shut down!

Ethics and beliefs become affected after all the turmoil and changes.  Testing of self-image and self-worth becomes tangled with emotions; confusing you and throwing you off your game. So, list possible interactions with liars, blackmailers, and deceivers that are all of sudden so interested in your situation or well-being.  These people linger around only in the right places and take joy in seeing you fail.

Also, take heed of the higher bidder and backstabbers.  Be aware of the toe-stomper or cock-blockers because they will surely be well aware of you and your venture, especially once you are in their way.  No one really would’ve made it without failure and never would have tried whatever one was trying to succeed at without a few complicated traffic jams. 

A true award-winning achievement really doesn’t feel extremely award-winning without failing a couple times and bumping heads with a few folks.  'It’s just not as appreciative when there’s no struggle through the journey.'<  Put that at the end of your 5-10 year plan and it could help you be mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually prepared.

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